Recommended Spiritual Services

“I innerstand the importance of sourcing trustworthy, effective and heart-centred energy healers, facilitators, high vibrational and clean physical products; for support, expertise, guidance and effectiveness on one’s self healing journey. No-one deserves to needlessly be suffering, hopeless or alone on their path. Finding the right souls can be like finding divine keys that unlock miracles, that will change your life in unimaginable ways.  
The following souls, are those that I have personally worked with and/or are close friends and soul family. I will continue to share products and services that I feel will benefit those seeking answers, solutions and remedies. May these lovely souls help you, as much as they have helped me on my path.”
Jennifer ~ 108 Healing Senses

Friend Services for High Frequency Products & Services

Please discern your unique path on your journey, and by moving forwards you take full self resposnibility for your actions and co-creations along the way.   

Robins Realm Readings

Robins Realm Readings

Tarot & Oracle Card Readings, Reiki Healing, Sound Healing & Spiritual Apothacary

Robin is a powerful, heart-centred and loving healer and channeller. She offers a range of spiritual services, and her card readings are accurate and have depth and integrity.

Robin has a golden heart and her messages are divinely led by the higher realms Spirit and Source. She has a strong foundation in loving and protective messages of Master Jesus.

Based in USA

Andy Porter

Andy Porter

Psychic Surgeon

Wherever you are on your self-healing journey, it is incredibly important to clear, cleanse and strengthen your energy field and systems, from non-beneficial connections and attachments, which may be negatively impacting your psyche and physical health.

In the beginning of my journey, I had an innate feeling and knowing that I needed energetic support and energetic clearing.

Andy Porter and his Spirit Guide Chen, perform effective and powerful psychic surgery and clearings to body and home.

As a Psychic Surgeon, Andy can help resolve spiritual problems, including: Hearing Voices, Curses, Voodoo, Witchcraft, Black Magic, Entity Clearing, Spirit Release Therapy and Property Clearing.

If you are interested in attending their next 6-week course for Meditation & Psychic Protection Course (which I highly recommend for anyone seeking deeper knowledge in their energetic practices), you can get 10% off with this code: AndyPorter10

Based in UK

Rozy Glow

Rozy Glow

StarPeace Movement, Multi-Dimensional Coaching & Yoga Facilitator

I have known Rozy for many years, and she is an incredibly loving and honest soul, that has personally impacted and been apart of my self-healing transformational journey. Rozy offers a variety of services and products over her social media platforms and websites:

I highly recommend getting started with: RozyGlow MultiDimensional Yoga. and wherever you are on your journey, business or mission, she will meet you and give you the tools to level up.

Based in UK

Sarah R Adams

Sarah R Adams

Intuitive Healer & Multi Dimensional Coach

I found Sarah through a Coast to Coast episode during 2020, and I have always resonated deeply in my heart with her divine messages and insights, as true, clear and always from a place of love and strength. 

Sarah’s journey from nearly dying to vibrancy in health, is inspirational and simple to apply to your own health and spiritual journey. Sarah’s insights and tools have helped and support me through some very dark times, and she is a true and loud advocate for doing deep shadow work and soul healing.

Sarah offers oodles of divine messages through her social media accounts and a range of services. Wherever your budget is, Sarah will also meet you and support your self-healing journey and soul growth.

“As an intuitive healer I can help heighten your bodies frequency and do cellular energy work to help heal body pains, energy blockages, clear auric fields, and karmic past life blockages.”

ReBourne Recovery

ReBourne Recovery

Addiction Recovery

Bash has taken the 12-step addiction recovery, to completely new heights, for deep healing and transformation for ReBourne Recovery clients.

Our clinical, spiritually informed, holistic and gentle approach to treatment seeks to heal the individual in all aspects of their addiction or disorder.  At ReBourne Recovery we see the whole picture and look to address the environmental, lifestyle, health, educational and psychological aspects of your current condition in order to help you get your life back on track. 

Based in UK