Welcome to 108 Healing Senses
Design Your Life for Optimum Vitality, Clarity, Balance, Success and Love
How Can 108 Healing Senses Help You?
Jennifer Taylor created 108 Healing Senses from her own experiences, navigating her personal inner healing journey, using profound solutions to transform and alchemise any situation, into the best possible outcome, that can be applied to all areas of your life: psychological balance, vitality, spiritual protection, removing doubt, gaining clarity and aligning your thoughts and actions with your best possible future, which often manifests your future much faster.
From personal experience when the mind, body, spirit feel in harmony, it gives you the space and energy to create, build or develop a project/business/legacy effectively, with the purest energy with the most profound effect on humanity.

Organic Botanical Products
Hand Blending in the UK
108 Healing Senses Botanical Products that could assist you in harmonising your psychological, physical and spiritual wellbeing.
Family friendly blends available, that are sustainable, vegan friendly and ethically sourced.
If you are awakening onto your spiritual path, you will find high frequency and energetically protective organic blends, that will assist you at any point on your journey:
- Spiritual Protection (Number 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 Blends)
- Raising Your Emotional & Spiritual Energies effectively (Number 2, 3, 5, 6 Blends)
- From Soul Fragmentation to Soul Integration with Number 7 & 4 Blends

Visionary Soul Coaching
Online Sessions from 30 minutes to 2 hours long
Jennifer uses her personal experience and FLP to offer guidance:
- Life Coaching for Physical, Psychological and Spiritual Wellbeing
- Soul Integration: useful for integrating past soul gifts, reclaiming and integrtaing missing soul fragments caused by unprocessed trauma. You will feel more of yourself, inner certainty and knowingness.
- Future Vision Coaching: uncover your soul’s mission and align with your destiny. Experience profound clarity, peace and resolution, as you connect with your future self.
- Techniques used: Life Coaching, Intuitive Soul Guidance, Energy healing, Sensory healing, FLP.

FLP Practitioner
Future Life Progression, Past Life Regression Practitioner & Future Vision Coaching
Future Life Progression (FLP) is a powerful, profound and peaceful tool for anyone wishing to improve their life and soul journey:
Who would benefit from FLP?
- Transform feeling stuck or blocked? If you are feeling stuck in life, or experiencing big life changes: redundancy, break up of relationship/marriage/friendship, ill health, grieving.
- Wanting to take charge of your life and remove doubt and uncertainty? Connect to yourself in the future, get the perks of hindsight and inside information for you to take charge of your life now.
- FAST TRACK your Best Possible Future & Future Proof Your Business: Get crystal clear clarity from yourself, focus your energy and attention on the things that actually count, and remove the clutter and distractions from life.

Multi-Disciplined Design Specialist
Multi-Disciplinary Designer, Branding, Production & Marketing Specialist
Design, Branding, Production & Marketing Specialst for your budding business or idea, using sacred frequencies of colours, numbers, symbols and sounds, to positively affect customers/clients subconscious, to further support and impact the intention or message at a deep level.
- Create Branded design templates for your business/solopreneur venture
- Create bespoke systems and structures for you to run your business in a self-sufficient manner
- Bespoke Marketing guidance and strategy
- Monetise your uniqueness and set yourself free!
What Design Services do I offer?
- Graphics
- Branding
- Website Design
- Digital & Physical Product Design
- Production & Editing
- AI/tech guidance

Jennifer is writing her book about transforming soul trauma, co-dependancy, and a journey to master your life with love, and profound healing techniques that can be achieved solo.
💛 Sign up for the newsletter above, to stay up-to-date with further information on the book release, and all the other goodies that will accompany this knowledge.
Every soul is unique, yet there are intrinsic challenges and suffering that we all face at different times of our lives, and knowing what direction to follow or tools to apply can feel overwhelming.
I offer simple and effective products and services that will fast track your inner and outer wellbeing transformation, happiness and success.
There have been incredibly important souls on my own journey, and I now practice the best of these highly effective and advanced tools through my own products and services that I offer.
If you are ready to live your best possible life, then I would love to assist you on your soul path and journey, whether it be personal wellbeing or develop and hone your business for success.